I've been thinking about this post since last week. I first have to start off by thanking another blogger and former classmate. If I would have never found Darren Carter's blog. I wouldnt be sitting here today writing this. We all graduated from Bedford High School 20 years ago this year. As fate would have it I have missed every reunion. I have always had other plans (or was that god working AGAIN!). The first one > 5 year. I was getting married that weekend. 10 year, we had plans to take a trip on the same weekend. This year when I got notice for the reunion, I realized it was the same weekend that we would be in Mid-Ohio racing motorcycles. I don't think I am ever going to make it to a reunion. Truthfully, I wasn't real sure I ever wanted to go to a reunion. Honestly, I am glad I made it out of Bedford High School in one piece and actually did something with my life. Long story short, 8Th grade ended bad at Heskett. 9Th grade started worse with the loss of one of my dearest friends 1 month into school. After that, I didn't much care anymore and I didn't care for 4 years. I remember plenty of teachers trying to set me in the right direction. I remember lots of friends trying to get me to care. I didn't. I just wanted to get through school and get away from it. There was NOTHING fun about school and being here. I know now a lot of it I made so much harder on myself, then really needed to be. I know I didn't keep the friends I should have kept, heck even most of the people I thought were my friends at graduation, we have lost touch with.
Anyway, about the time Scott's cousin got married in June, I was just getting interested in face book. At that point, I think I had only seen one person in the last 10 years that I graduated with and that was Deann Hegidus (some time in March or April of this year~ again god at work here) So I knew I wouldn't be looking for very many classmates on facebook. I just didn't feel like I connected with a lot of people from high school. And the ones I wondered what happened to, I know they wouldn't be out there. I think Deann was one of my first friend requests. In the mean time. Michelle Grecko left me a message on classmates.com, off I went looking for her too. Okay, long short getting longer here... Jump ahead to August sometime. I was searching blogs from the Cleveland area one day and happened on Darren's, just as he was posting info about pictures from the reunion. Wow.. I couldn't believe it. I don't remember if I left him a comment on his blog or facebook, but I added him as a friend. I started looking for other people we went to school with. I've been kind of shy about requesting friends with some people. I just don't know who remembers me and who doesn't. I've connected with about 16. Some I have talked to more then others. Some I've even shared a drink with recently.
Last week, I started pulling out old pictures. Anyone that knows me present day, I have a serious issue with taking pictures. I can go to a motorcycle race and click off 2000 good pictures. I went on my honeymoon and took 30 rolls of film (before digital, that was a pricey honeymoon) So of course 95% of my photos are sorted and in boxes waiting to be scrapbooked. Well I guess if I didn't travel so much, I would have time to do that, I digress. I pulled out the three OLD boxes of pictures and started pulling out photos. Scott started scanning. Here I pulled out pictures from Heskett. Some of Scott's pictures when we just started dating and he was still at Bedford and I was already working a full time job. I pulled out picture of my cousins through the years, just so many pictures and so many fun memories. So I started by posting some of my family pictures late Thursday. Wow, talk about feedback and response. Amazing.
Last night, I posted some more from School and tagged the people I was friends with on facebook. (I still have a ton more pictures of more people not yet on facebook, maybe someday, those will get scanned too). Feedback almost immediately. People couldn't believe I still had photos and they wanted them burned. No such luck there. I now have digital proof! Its been fun talking with everyone and seeing how some people remember more then I did about what class it was. Its been great to hear that. I wish I had more pictures of school and I know somewhere in my parents house, there is probably still pictures!
Now to the point of this whole post.... When Scott and I were scanning the photos, I came across my senior proofs. Hey anyone notice, I am not in the yearbook for my senior year. Yeah, I planned it that way, thanks! I asked him what he thought of me back then. He said I always looked like a was a bitch and to look at some of my senior proofs, I came off with that unapproachable look. Did I really? Was I that unhappy and that bad? Wow....Amazing what time does now, doesn't it? I think life is way too short now and I don't let what I used to think about people still rule on what I think of them today. We are all so much different now. Maybe there are reasons I haven't talked to some of the 'friends' and why I do talk to people from high school that I never did before. I do know one thing. I wont miss the next reunion or get together! I can only think god has a plan in all of this and it just amazes me sometimes how he works. I try not to question it and most times I've learned to just go with the flow and let everything happen the way he has planned it.
So to sum this rambling up! Thanks Darren, had it not been for you I might not have ever connected back up with old school/classmates.
And Darren, if you happen upon this, no you aren't old because you are searching out talk radio. I'm doing it to. I know Scott does it too. Age is all a state of mind!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
You Are a Champagne Woman |
A true mystery, no one can quite figure you out... That is, until you start drinking. Then you tend to let loose. You're fun to drink with, but it definitely takes you a few drinks to loosen up. You prefer to date a man who likes the finer things in life... like a five star dinner with that champagne. |
You Are A Martini |
You are the kind of drinker who appreciates a nice hard drink. And for you, only quality alcohol. You don't waste your time on the cheap stuff. Obviously, you're usually found with a martini in your hand. But sometimes you mix it up with a gin and tonic. And you'd never, ever consider one of those flavored martinis. They're hardly a drink! |
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Facebook & My Day off...
Why is it.. Its my day off, a great fall day, weather a little crappy because its raining, but still typical fall day.. Excited about going to a new winery tonight with Scott for a great Hungarian feast. I spent the better part of the morning, doing what I do best.. Shop. It wasn't fun clothes or accessory shopping, but still fun anyways. I get home, and I see that my cousin Roger is now on Facebook too. Anyone that knows me, knows I am hooked on that damn site! between playing with the motorcycles on there and finding people. I don't do much else anymore on the net. Heck I rarely read any of my scrapbooking sites because I am wasting time on facebook. Anyway. Today is the day, I try and catch up with some of the blogs I read, some of the message boards, etc. I see Roger is now on facebook.. so what do I do.. I go through my terabyte of pictures that I have taken in the past what 5 years? and start uploading more racing pictures. (and reliving some of those great events!) So now its 3 1/2 hours later and I haven't done a thing. I need to get dressed for dinner, throw in a load of laundry, do some dishes... and a bunch of other stuff. NONE of its going to get done, because I want to load more pictures! Between the fun times, I have had with my cousins racing and going out with my friends around town, I could be posting pictures till next week! Anyway.. That's all I got! I worked overtime last weekend, we checked out the new bar downtown and finally had a quiet relaxing weekend. Now I'm ready to be on the run again and travel. I wish Scott didn't have to work Saturday, or I think I'd consider a trip to Charlotte for dinner. (good thing he is working!)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
What type of Wine I am....
You Are Pinot Gris |
More hip than most, you spot trends before they even really get started. If something is new and unique, you know about it... and you've probably tried it. You have a good number of projects, interests, and relationships - but they are all fleeting. The world is so appealing and diverse, you can't help but seek variety. Deep down you are: A true flirt Your partying style: Exclusive. You only party with people you've personally selected. Your company is enjoyed best with: A big bowl of pasta |
What my birthday says about me???
Your Birthdate: December 13 |
You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge. While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator. Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down. You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way. Your strength: You always get the job done Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault Your power color: Gray Your power symbol: Checkmark Your power month: April |
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Book of Lies By Brad Meltzer

I remember I hated doing book reports in School 20+ years hasnt changed that. But again, I came across a great book!
I'm copying the inside jacket of the book, but it sums up a great book, which I had NO idea would have scenes in Cleveland. That made my day.
In Chapter Four of the Bible, Cain kills Abel. It is the world's most famous murder. But the Bible is silent about one key detail: the weapon Cain used to kill his brother. That weapon is still lost to history.
In 1932, Mitchell Siegel was killed by three gunshots to his chest. While mourning, his son dreamed of a bulletproof man and created the world's greatest hero: Superman. And like Cain's murder weapon, the gun used in this unsolved murder has never been found.
Until now.
Today in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Cal Harper comes face-to-face with his family's greatest secret: his long-lost father, who's been shot with a gun that traces back to Mitchell Siegel's 1932 murder. But before Cal can ask a single question, he and his father are attacked by a ruthless killer tattooed with the anicent markings of Cain. And so begins the chase for the world's first murder weapon.
What does Cain, history's greatest villain, have to do with Superman, the world's greatest hero? And what do two murders, committed thousands of years apart, have in common? This is the mystery at the heart of Brad Meltzer's riveting and utterly intriguing new thriller.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Getting OLD

Okay, so, what's happened the last two weeks??? Kristie and Lennys wedding reception was the 27th of Sept. We had a really nice time. They both have great families and great friends. Logan gets bigger every time we see him. Lenny and I managed to get Scott a bit drunk for a little while.. LOL.. Kristie and Lenny both look truly happy to be married.
Last weekend, a bunch of friends from work came to my side of town. We had a great time... Just about everyone GOT seriously DRUNK, but we had a blast. I cant even really begin to tell you how much fun we had. It wouldnt do it justice. Pictures dont even do it justice right now!
Looks like the year is finally starting to slow down for us and we can actually relax this fall... I really like that idea!
Thoughts are we are going to go to Utah next year for vacation for the World Superbike Race. Good thing its right around our normal vacation anyway.
But while I am here...
Just wanted to post some thoughts
10. Buffets always seem like a good idea > they aren't.
9. Taking 2600 pictures seems great when you are doing it. Sorting them, not so much fun
8. Always make sure your batteries are charged for the P&S camera. It makes parties so much easier for my drunk photo taking (you know, like drunk texting)
7. Thankfully, all my friends, drunk are all still GREAT FUNNY friends even if they sometimes annoy me sober!
6. Buying 6 quarts of your favorite apple, seemed like a good idea at the time.
5. I love to see Scott get drunk, he's just down right FUNNY. Put him with Dave and I'm cracking ribs laughing.
4. I love facebook. I love finding classmates. I cant believe its been 20 years!
3. I miss my family in the south! I wish there was more time to tavel to see them!
2. I am so VERY thankful for the friends I have and I spent Saturday night with. Thank you, Diana, Jojo, Jen, Joanne, Michelle, Sherry, Kathy, Dave & respective SO's, you guys are all awesome and I cant thank you enough for coming to my side of town to party!
1. Scott asks quite often, when we are going to wake up and realize we are mature and have grown up? I think it just depends on the situation. We both just still know how to have a good time. Maybe a little to often, but always with dear friends and that I am thankful!
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