A Attached or Single? well, I'm attached to my laptop, tilt, my friends and family. but seriously.... Attached, very 15+ wonderful years!
B. Best Friend? Well honestly, its what I am doing at the moment which friend fits that doing. But mostly, its Scott, who basically is willing to stick around me and put up with me ALL the time!
C. Cake or pie? Cake.. No frosting either, please! And if Mom made it, I'm not sharing!
D. Day of choice? Wednesday of course, its my 'day off'
E. Essential item? Wow... has to be a "thing"? My Camera.
F. Favorite color? Red or Yellow....
G. Gummy bears or worms? doesn't matter as long as I get the pineapple ones
H. Hometown? That's up for debate, but I guess Bedford.
I. Favorite indulgence? Wow, I guess wine... nope, I'll drink the 2 buck chuck... heck I prefer that... indulgence... I don't know that I have one. Do I?
J. January or July? well that depends on the weather we are having, but usually July, there is some kind of racing going on then, that I can enjoy!
K. Kids? Wasn't in our cards, love them, but just never happened.
L. Life isn’t complete without? love, music, family, good food and wine, and laughter - lots of laughter!
M. Marriage date? May 21st!!!!!!
N. Number of brothers and sisters? none :(
O. Oranges or Apples? BOTH
P. Phobias? Creepy looking bugs
Q. Quotes? there isnt enough space here to tell you how many quotes I love... but my favorite this week is > The World is a book and those who don't travel are only reading one page.
R. Reasons to smile? The fact, that after 15 years, I am still on my honeymoon. That we both enjoying doing a lot of the same things, we love to vacation together
S. Season of choice? i like them all for different reasons. i really get excited for the next season, whatever it may be.
T. Tag 5 people: not even sure who is reading this, but Lynn, Diana, & Scott & any one who is glad the holiday weekend is upon us, even if it marks the end of SUMMER
U. Unknown fact about me? I think I'm pretty much an open book.. So I don't think there is much unknown about me
V. Vegetable? home grown heirloom tomatoes
W. Worst habit? being lazy
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? x-ray... just because
Y. Your favorite food? at this point in my life, it seems to be EVERYTHING
Z. Zodiac sign? Sagittarius
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Well... it is what it is...
So today, Scott headed off on what is kind of his first service call. Him and Chris went to Tallmadge last week and that was a very quick trip. Today, they were off to Erie, PA. Its now almost 7 PM and I haven't heard from him, so I am going to assume they are still working on the robot. (how cool is that, you get play with and repair robots... as a kid growing up.. Robots were just becoming real, so I am sure lots of geeks in our time, dreamed of playing with Robots....) Anyway.. back to my thoughts. It feels weird for him to not be home or to know when to expect him. But its a quiet evening here and I kind of like that.
I cant believe this is the last week of "summer". The kids went back to school today. It just all went by way to quick. I didn't get done what I wanted to get done and there is really so much more planned for the fall months.
Scott's mom had her Knee Replacement Surgery yesterday... It went well (as I expected!) she'll be running laps around all of us here soon. She will be happy that she had it done.
This past weekend, we really didn't do a whole heck of a lot. Friday night, we just kind of relaxed and watched a movie. Saturday, we got up, did some running around. Hit the Geauga Farmers Market. But since I had just cleaned out moms garden of tomatoes & eggplants and picked up corn from the Twinsburg Farmers Market the night before. We really didn't need much. So we headed over to Joeys in Chargin Falls for lunch, we both ordered different pizzas. I wasn't in the mood for your typical red sauce, pepperoni/sausage pizza... I get so tired of that! I ordered one with artichokes, tomatoes, chicken and a white garlic sauce. Actually the crust was the best part of their pizza.. it wasn't overly thick and it wasn't a thin crust, just perfect and real. It looked like it was made in grandmas oven, that was the best!
After that, Scott decided he wanted to reread The Little Prince, so we started a hunt for it. I remember my Aunt Elaine giving me that book and I remember how much I loved it (what ever happened to that book). Anyway, after two off the wall book stores we weren't having much luck... so I'll probably just get it on the net.
We decided we were going to go see the Matinee of Death Race. Its a remake of a movie with Sylvester Stallone & David Carradine. The only thing in this remake that even resembled the original, is the names of two of the cast (Frankenstein & Joe). If you go to see it, just don't expect a remake and its not a bad movie then. Its not one of my top 10 movies or even the top 25, but its worth a peak... The best part was the previews, looks like Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are coming back with another Fast & Furious. I don't care how bad it is... Paul Walker is in it. I am there! There was another preview, but since I am horrible with movies, its escaping me right now.
Saturday evening we jumped on the bike for a little evening ride. Started out going to Hudson for Coffee at Starbucks. Not quite sure why I ordered two talls for us. It was still hot out and we couldn't take them with us... DUMB!!! after there we headed the long way to downtown. By long way, I mean, we headed to Peninsula, Bath, Breaksville and then to the East 9Th Street Pier and headed back home, It was a nice 70 mile trip out for the evening.
All & all the weekend was what weekends should be for us. But they don't come around to often, with so much other stuff going on.
This weekend, I have high hopes for doing a lot of things. I hope we get to take the bike down to the Barn in Smithville for dinner.. Saturday I hope we make it out to see Logan, Stuff around the house that needs to be done. I hope we get to visit some other friends too, but we will see. Honestly, I wish we had the time and & money to make the trip to Birmingham for the weekend, just to see everyone and say hey!
But that will have to be saved for another day!
I cant believe this is the last week of "summer". The kids went back to school today. It just all went by way to quick. I didn't get done what I wanted to get done and there is really so much more planned for the fall months.
Scott's mom had her Knee Replacement Surgery yesterday... It went well (as I expected!) she'll be running laps around all of us here soon. She will be happy that she had it done.
This past weekend, we really didn't do a whole heck of a lot. Friday night, we just kind of relaxed and watched a movie. Saturday, we got up, did some running around. Hit the Geauga Farmers Market. But since I had just cleaned out moms garden of tomatoes & eggplants and picked up corn from the Twinsburg Farmers Market the night before. We really didn't need much. So we headed over to Joeys in Chargin Falls for lunch, we both ordered different pizzas. I wasn't in the mood for your typical red sauce, pepperoni/sausage pizza... I get so tired of that! I ordered one with artichokes, tomatoes, chicken and a white garlic sauce. Actually the crust was the best part of their pizza.. it wasn't overly thick and it wasn't a thin crust, just perfect and real. It looked like it was made in grandmas oven, that was the best!
After that, Scott decided he wanted to reread The Little Prince, so we started a hunt for it. I remember my Aunt Elaine giving me that book and I remember how much I loved it (what ever happened to that book). Anyway, after two off the wall book stores we weren't having much luck... so I'll probably just get it on the net.
We decided we were going to go see the Matinee of Death Race. Its a remake of a movie with Sylvester Stallone & David Carradine. The only thing in this remake that even resembled the original, is the names of two of the cast (Frankenstein & Joe). If you go to see it, just don't expect a remake and its not a bad movie then. Its not one of my top 10 movies or even the top 25, but its worth a peak... The best part was the previews, looks like Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are coming back with another Fast & Furious. I don't care how bad it is... Paul Walker is in it. I am there! There was another preview, but since I am horrible with movies, its escaping me right now.
Saturday evening we jumped on the bike for a little evening ride. Started out going to Hudson for Coffee at Starbucks. Not quite sure why I ordered two talls for us. It was still hot out and we couldn't take them with us... DUMB!!! after there we headed the long way to downtown. By long way, I mean, we headed to Peninsula, Bath, Breaksville and then to the East 9Th Street Pier and headed back home, It was a nice 70 mile trip out for the evening.
All & all the weekend was what weekends should be for us. But they don't come around to often, with so much other stuff going on.
This weekend, I have high hopes for doing a lot of things. I hope we get to take the bike down to the Barn in Smithville for dinner.. Saturday I hope we make it out to see Logan, Stuff around the house that needs to be done. I hope we get to visit some other friends too, but we will see. Honestly, I wish we had the time and & money to make the trip to Birmingham for the weekend, just to see everyone and say hey!
But that will have to be saved for another day!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Scott wonders why I tell him he needs his own blog
So of course. I've been at work almost 3 hours when I received this email from Scott. I thought it was just the best. and daily I tell him with his writing he really needs to a blog of his own! This is of course also why I love him so! Another thing. His Katana is now called Staypuff. The bike just got a new tire and it was a Michelin tire. So when we were at Mid-Ohio he asked the Michelin tire guys if they had any stickers. So now the Michelin man is on the front of the bike. (cute...lol)
Staypuff's first adventure
I left the house and the skies were blue and just a few puffy clouds.
I get gas and head to 271. I notice that smell you get after was washing
the car, or water drying on pavement. I as I get closer to Chagrin road,
i can see dark patches and light patches of gray on the roads. It had
just rained. As I approach Mayfiled, i see everybody going southbound
with their lights on and black skies ahead. So at this point, i can
either turn around
and avoid what appears to be rain or just keep going. I continue on.
As I
round the curve to rte 2, the sky is totally black, but so far no rain.
I exit and I am at about 20 vehicles from the light. Still no rain. just
as I roll into the parking lot, it starts to sprinkle.
I thank the powers that be for safe passage.
Note to self, I suppose isolated showers means isolated showers, check
weather before leaving.
Staypuff's first adventure
I left the house and the skies were blue and just a few puffy clouds.
I get gas and head to 271. I notice that smell you get after was washing
the car, or water drying on pavement. I as I get closer to Chagrin road,
i can see dark patches and light patches of gray on the roads. It had
just rained. As I approach Mayfiled, i see everybody going southbound
with their lights on and black skies ahead. So at this point, i can
either turn around
and avoid what appears to be rain or just keep going. I continue on.
As I
round the curve to rte 2, the sky is totally black, but so far no rain.
I exit and I am at about 20 vehicles from the light. Still no rain. just
as I roll into the parking lot, it starts to sprinkle.
I thank the powers that be for safe passage.
Note to self, I suppose isolated showers means isolated showers, check
weather before leaving.
Monday, August 18, 2008
This past weekend

Had a great time at Twandas & Pats party.. it was nice to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time!
Here is a picture with three of my dearest friends.. yeah, tell me whats wrong with this picture... I am the drinker of the group and there is not a drink to be found in my hands!!!!! Anyway...
Just thought I'd get this picture out there. Its sure to get under Lynn's skin!!! LOL.
After that party we headed out to Northfield to meet up with Melissa and Danny to chat for a bit.
Sunday Scott went for a bit of a motorcycle ride with Dave and Steve. I stayed back and did some running around and to return some clothes to the store (don't know why, I came home with like 7 more items). Worked on some overtime... its crunch time for MotoGP... I'm hoping to get 30 hours of overtime in this pay period. That will give me a NICE chunk of change to take to Indy with us.
Looks like our trip to Charlotte & Rockingham has been cancelled. They cancelled the race. Now we are just seeing what can be done about the airline tickets and trying to figure that out. At this point, I would be happy if Bobby could get a refund and we just wont go anywhere that weekend...If not, it would be great if we used the tickets for a quick little jaunt out to Sedona. *(yeah I'm dreaming, I'm a rock star.. that wont happen.) But if we have to use them and cant get down to Birmingham to race with the boys, maybe we can hit Cape Coral to see the Cira Family or maybe to Savannah...

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Some pics of the kids
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Johnny & June.... Heidi Newfield
Yep... after 15+ years married to Scott... I still love him like I did the first time I realized I love him. Every day is like the first day of marriage.
And when I heard this song, it just so made me realize how much I love him and how perfect we fit together. We have grown up together and I couldnt imagine life without him. He's always there for me and I know I dont thank him enough! He always induldges me and my whims of travel and shopping..... I LOVE YOU Scott!!!!!!!
Oh there's something 'bout a man in black,
Makes me want to buy a cadillac,
Throw the top back,
And roll down to Jackson town,
I wanna be there on the stage with you,
You and I could be the next rage to,
Hear the crowd roar,
Make 'em want more,
Kick the footlights out,
I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,
I wanna hold you baby right or wrong,
Build a world around a country song,
Pray a sweet prayer,
Follow you there,
Down in history,
I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,
Like Johnny and June,
More than life itself,
No-one else,
This endless promise,
They don't make love like that anymore,
Is that too much to be askin' for,
I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,
Like Johnny and June,
And when we're gone,
There'll be no tears to cry,
Only memories of our lives,
They'll remember, remember,
A love like that
And when I heard this song, it just so made me realize how much I love him and how perfect we fit together. We have grown up together and I couldnt imagine life without him. He's always there for me and I know I dont thank him enough! He always induldges me and my whims of travel and shopping..... I LOVE YOU Scott!!!!!!!
Oh there's something 'bout a man in black,
Makes me want to buy a cadillac,
Throw the top back,
And roll down to Jackson town,
I wanna be there on the stage with you,
You and I could be the next rage to,
Hear the crowd roar,
Make 'em want more,
Kick the footlights out,
I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,
I wanna hold you baby right or wrong,
Build a world around a country song,
Pray a sweet prayer,
Follow you there,
Down in history,
I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,
Like Johnny and June,
More than life itself,
No-one else,
This endless promise,
They don't make love like that anymore,
Is that too much to be askin' for,
I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,
Like Johnny and June,
And when we're gone,
There'll be no tears to cry,
Only memories of our lives,
They'll remember, remember,
A love like that
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Nothing this week....
Okay, so I have to work tomorrow (Wed). I switched days since I have a follow up apt for my teeth on Thurs. I'm already crabby at the thought of waking up tomorrow and actually moving my butt into work at 5:30. Even if I do have the next day off! I've warned the co-workers, expect me to be in a wonderful mood! I'm sitting here playing with working on overtime.... playing with my face book account and just generally dreaming of the next couple of trips and adventures we have coming up...
Okay, this weekend... Twandas Party and the Feast down in Little Italy. Lynn was planning on spending the night, so we could have Scott as our DD from Twandas. I have to get with her to see if that is still the plan, if so it will be like old times, we haven't done that in 10 years, when she spent the night after the work dinner for our 10 years there. We also hope to hook up with Danny and Melissa at some point this weekend. Oh yeah, maybe a car wash or hair cut on Sunday for the fundraiser.
Next weekend we have to Motorcycle Runs, I would like to do, both for animals, one in Joshs honor, the other to help with rescue/pets.
The 25th Scott's mom is having knee replacement surgery.
We leave the following Friday morning for racing in Rockingham with Roger and Bobby. I'm not so sure it was wise to tell him to get us the 5:30 am flight. What time does that mean I have to wake up and leave? UGH! That should be a great weekend. Both Roger & Bobby plan on racing both the Road Race Car and the Circle Track Cars. Should be a busy and fun filled two days with them.
I hope we get back in time on Sunday or at least Monday to make it down to the Air Show, we've gone to Edgewater the last 2 years to watch the big boys fly and this year is the Blue Angels which is the same as 2006, but I never tire of watching them fly.
Anyway.... Sept starts off pretty quiet, but we will be getting ready to go to MotoGP in Indy the weekend of September 11th. This is the trip I have been waiting for all year!~!
After that we have Lenny & Kristi's Wedding Reception & a bunch of other parties... We hope to hit Charlotte Thanksgiving Weekend, but that's not for sure yet.
So I guess thats it for tonight... let me finish this overtime and chill out before I hit bed for WORK tomorrow... UGH... Still working on sorting and getting all the pictures from Mid Ohio figured out..I'm down to 1702 pictures. I need to be more selective!!! Maybe Thursday!
Oh yeah, Scott plays softball after work tomorrow.. I hope the team can pull it together.... So different then the IT team was, although the games over there is best left there
Okay, this weekend... Twandas Party and the Feast down in Little Italy. Lynn was planning on spending the night, so we could have Scott as our DD from Twandas. I have to get with her to see if that is still the plan, if so it will be like old times, we haven't done that in 10 years, when she spent the night after the work dinner for our 10 years there. We also hope to hook up with Danny and Melissa at some point this weekend. Oh yeah, maybe a car wash or hair cut on Sunday for the fundraiser.
Next weekend we have to Motorcycle Runs, I would like to do, both for animals, one in Joshs honor, the other to help with rescue/pets.
The 25th Scott's mom is having knee replacement surgery.
We leave the following Friday morning for racing in Rockingham with Roger and Bobby. I'm not so sure it was wise to tell him to get us the 5:30 am flight. What time does that mean I have to wake up and leave? UGH! That should be a great weekend. Both Roger & Bobby plan on racing both the Road Race Car and the Circle Track Cars. Should be a busy and fun filled two days with them.
I hope we get back in time on Sunday or at least Monday to make it down to the Air Show, we've gone to Edgewater the last 2 years to watch the big boys fly and this year is the Blue Angels which is the same as 2006, but I never tire of watching them fly.
Anyway.... Sept starts off pretty quiet, but we will be getting ready to go to MotoGP in Indy the weekend of September 11th. This is the trip I have been waiting for all year!~!
After that we have Lenny & Kristi's Wedding Reception & a bunch of other parties... We hope to hit Charlotte Thanksgiving Weekend, but that's not for sure yet.
So I guess thats it for tonight... let me finish this overtime and chill out before I hit bed for WORK tomorrow... UGH... Still working on sorting and getting all the pictures from Mid Ohio figured out..I'm down to 1702 pictures. I need to be more selective!!! Maybe Thursday!
Oh yeah, Scott plays softball after work tomorrow.. I hope the team can pull it together.... So different then the IT team was, although the games over there is best left there
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wisdom Teeth...
Yep, after 38 years, my lower wisdom teeth FINALLY had to come out... Yep, I'm a baby, they werent impacted, but I got general anes.... The one on the left, the root was hooked around the bone, so it hurts a little now, 9 hours later.. still feel weird from the anes.... My mouth just doesnt feel right... cant sleep.... restless on the couch.. I'm only so much for TV and Movies..... I'm just craving good real food!!!! I had Corky & Lennys Matzo Ball soup this evening.. but I still want something.... more food!!! but I am afraid of eating... I dont want to take the drugs they gave me, it doesnt hurt that bad.. I just want COFFEE.. .I couldnt have coffee this morning.. I missed that the most! Okay, Scott said it wasnt wise to pain meds blog (is that worse then Drunk Texting or Calling?).... so I am out of here, before he returns with my ice cream and milkshake! (great guy!!!!)
And just a side note to everyone that works downtown or lives downtown, they'll understand this... why do people in cars feel they have the right away when you are crossing the street??? one of these days, I am seriously going to lose it and kick one of the cars of just stop in the middle of the street and ask them what their problem is, or if they ever took a driving class???
And just a side note to everyone that works downtown or lives downtown, they'll understand this... why do people in cars feel they have the right away when you are crossing the street??? one of these days, I am seriously going to lose it and kick one of the cars of just stop in the middle of the street and ask them what their problem is, or if they ever took a driving class???
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Back from Mid-Ohio
Sunburned yep first day
Hungover just a little bit
Tired more then I cared to admit
We had a great time. I took over 2000 pictures. Still trashing the bad ones, down to about 1800. ( A little obbessive, yeah). Got to see plenty of the riders and of course, Scott got to see plenty of girlfriend/grid girls. We made it on TV and didnt know it. We were talking behind Ben Spies when Greg White interviewed him. Our friend Joe was on tv too, but he was dressed as PIMP at the evening festivies at the camp gounds. It was a fun fun weekend.. Mat won both Superbike races, Aaron Yates won Superstock, Joshua Hayes won Formula Extreme, Ben Bostrom won the Supersport, and Hayden Gillim won the Red Bull Rookies Cup race... So we have a pretty quiet weekend this weekend. Friday, I get my wisdom teeth pulled. Hopefully Saturday, I will feel well enough for Dannys party, otherwise, it will just be a quiet weekend this weekend. I'll post more later. Have a house to clean after being gone all weekend!
Hungover just a little bit
Tired more then I cared to admit
We had a great time. I took over 2000 pictures. Still trashing the bad ones, down to about 1800. ( A little obbessive, yeah). Got to see plenty of the riders and of course, Scott got to see plenty of girlfriend/grid girls. We made it on TV and didnt know it. We were talking behind Ben Spies when Greg White interviewed him. Our friend Joe was on tv too, but he was dressed as PIMP at the evening festivies at the camp gounds. It was a fun fun weekend.. Mat won both Superbike races, Aaron Yates won Superstock, Joshua Hayes won Formula Extreme, Ben Bostrom won the Supersport, and Hayden Gillim won the Red Bull Rookies Cup race... So we have a pretty quiet weekend this weekend. Friday, I get my wisdom teeth pulled. Hopefully Saturday, I will feel well enough for Dannys party, otherwise, it will just be a quiet weekend this weekend. I'll post more later. Have a house to clean after being gone all weekend!
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