Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nothing this week....

Okay, so I have to work tomorrow (Wed). I switched days since I have a follow up apt for my teeth on Thurs. I'm already crabby at the thought of waking up tomorrow and actually moving my butt into work at 5:30. Even if I do have the next day off! I've warned the co-workers, expect me to be in a wonderful mood! I'm sitting here playing with working on overtime.... playing with my face book account and just generally dreaming of the next couple of trips and adventures we have coming up...

Okay, this weekend... Twandas Party and the Feast down in Little Italy. Lynn was planning on spending the night, so we could have Scott as our DD from Twandas. I have to get with her to see if that is still the plan, if so it will be like old times, we haven't done that in 10 years, when she spent the night after the work dinner for our 10 years there. We also hope to hook up with Danny and Melissa at some point this weekend. Oh yeah, maybe a car wash or hair cut on Sunday for the fundraiser.
Next weekend we have to Motorcycle Runs, I would like to do, both for animals, one in Joshs honor, the other to help with rescue/pets.
The 25th Scott's mom is having knee replacement surgery.
We leave the following Friday morning for racing in Rockingham with Roger and Bobby. I'm not so sure it was wise to tell him to get us the 5:30 am flight. What time does that mean I have to wake up and leave? UGH! That should be a great weekend. Both Roger & Bobby plan on racing both the Road Race Car and the Circle Track Cars. Should be a busy and fun filled two days with them.
I hope we get back in time on Sunday or at least Monday to make it down to the Air Show, we've gone to Edgewater the last 2 years to watch the big boys fly and this year is the Blue Angels which is the same as 2006, but I never tire of watching them fly.
Anyway.... Sept starts off pretty quiet, but we will be getting ready to go to MotoGP in Indy the weekend of September 11th. This is the trip I have been waiting for all year!~!
After that we have Lenny & Kristi's Wedding Reception & a bunch of other parties... We hope to hit Charlotte Thanksgiving Weekend, but that's not for sure yet.
So I guess thats it for tonight... let me finish this overtime and chill out before I hit bed for WORK tomorrow... UGH... Still working on sorting and getting all the pictures from Mid Ohio figured out..I'm down to 1702 pictures. I need to be more selective!!! Maybe Thursday!
Oh yeah, Scott plays softball after work tomorrow.. I hope the team can pull it together.... So different then the IT team was, although the games over there is best left there

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