I've been thinking about this post since Saturday after the Motorcycle Ride for Josh Miktarian. I've been trying to put all my thoughts together in my head that I want to say here. Well 3 days later, they are all still a big mix of things and I just want to get it out.
This was my first ride of the year. I don't know why I had not been on the bike before this, I just hadn't. The whole ride just tore my heart out! Start from the beginning. We met up with some of Scott's friends for the ride up at Perry's shop. We all went to Southeast Harley together. They are a great bunch of guys he works with. This go around I met Mitch (again), Dave was there, Marty, Scott and Franky. We got to Southeast about 9:40. It was already packed for a start time of 11AM. So we just kind of hung out, walked around, took lots of pictures and talked a lot. About 10:40 we headed back to the bike just to be ready. Southeast was packed, they had started lining bikes in the street because there was so many. We left promptly at 11. To make a long ride short, the outpouring of people was amazing. The police and fire departments amazing. I can tell you its a good thing I didn't drive, I wouldn't have been able to see most of the ride, through the tears. It was about a 50 mile ride, past Maple Heights, Bedford Heights, Oakwood, Glenwillow, Solon, Chargin Falls, Russell, Bainbridge, Aurora and Twinsburg PDs. We arrived at Twinsburg High School to more people.
Come to find out there was close to 2,000 bikes. The largest ride ever to leave Southeast! We got off the bikes and headed over for some water. In line, I couldn't believe my eyes!!!!! It was Mr Danny Woodrum! It was so good to see him and he looked truly happy. I met his wife Melissa and her father and I think step mom, who we had actually talked to while waiting for the ride to start! He's one of the few people I wondered how he was and that I missed talking to from the old gang. We all stood up front for the presentation. I'm on channel 5's web site (don't go look, please!) Everyone did a beautiful job talking and saying what they had to say. The day raised over $32,000 for Holly and Thea!!!!! Yeah for the motorcycles!
Anyway, my thoughts on why Josh is gone... wow after reading The Art of Racing in the Rain. He's done doing what he was sent to earth for.... He lead a very busy life and that's why, his time was short here and he had a lot to do. And he did do a lot. He touched a lot of lives, and that will be remembered forever. I can only hope Holly and Thea can find peace at some point. I know its hard and its easy to question everything.
So after leaving there, we were coming across the bridge and these huge raindrops starts to drop. I was still carrying my camera so I was hoping we would make it home in time. We did... Even though, we didn't know Josh, I'd like to think that he was watching out for us to get home in time.
Jumped in the shower to get ready for Lynn's party! We had a great time visiting with people that we don't get to visit with very often! It was so good to see, Pam, Sue, Jeanine & Joe, Traci, Lynn, Twanda, Mary Jo & Denny, Michele, Karen & John, Marilyn, Neil & Jackie, everyone... We left there about 11 since we had to get up the next morning for Mid Ohio and the Vintage Days.
Can I tell you 4 am on a Sunday comes around QUICK... but we got up and actually went to Vintage days at Mid-Ohio, Perry came with us. Poor Scott we get up early and all and the bike he wants to test, isn't there! I felt so bad! but we had a good day, saw lots of bikes and some good racing, getting us ready for this weekend!
Tomorrow (Wednesday) I finally have a dental appt for the tooth that broke, oh before we went to Birmingham in APRIL... yeah, it hurts now! wish me luck, I just love the dentist!
I'm not including pictures this time, because I just don't know which ones to pick... maybe tomorrow, I'll decide!