I have to tell ya, I finished reading this book last week. Its by Garth Stein. Its written as if a dog is telling the story. The dogs name is Enzo. Danny, the caretaker is a race car driver. I wont give the whole story away here, because I think everyone needs to read this book. I borrowed it from the library and it will be one I purchase because it was so good. This is probably one of the best books I read in quite a few years. You don't have to be a racing fan or a dog lover to enjoy what this book tells. It teaches you so much about life in general, about love, about losses, winning, the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Now, I am not usual one to like them making books into movies, but I sure hope this is one that makes it there! I also hope Garth can find it in him to write a story from a cats perspective.
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