Well, Friday night our friend Dave from Jefferson came into town for a night of partying... Yep..Check, that happened. Went to dinner at Mavis Winkles, then headed out to Avon to party it up with Diana, Joanne, Jen, Jojo, Dave & Scott... It was my night to drive... Long Island Iced Teas were 2.50... I have a great husband.. He got to drink one beer before becoming the DD for the night... We had a great time... I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Jojo will be missed.. She is returning to Kananas... BOO for Diana.. After leaving there, we headed to Depompi's for a night cap... Walking distance, so everyone can drink.. YEAH!!! Hard night of drinking.. I'm glad we don't do that every weekend.. but we are still doing it to often...

Saturday we headed out to the camper. Yeah about that, we aren't outdoorsy people... Bugs, Spiders, hot weather, and a toad living under the steps. I'd just rather be home with my kitties!
Hopefully this week we will make it out to see Baby Rustic.
This coming weekend is another full one... Actually most of the weekends coming up are! This weekend.. Friday night I hope we get out to see the new X-Files movie. Saturday is the Motorcycle ride for Joshua Miktarian
99.5 WGAR - Real Life, Set To Music. Then we have our annual friends picnic, this year will be at Lynn Kelbachs house. Sunday we hope to get up bright and early and make a trip down to Mid-Ohio for the Vintage Days. We will see how this all pans out.. Wish me luck.
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